Monday, January 30, 2017

To my worthless wife, who accomplishes nothing during the day…

To my worthless wife who accomplishes nothing during the day…

You don’t understand why you are so exhausted at the end of the day because nothing on your list was checked off.  You feel bad because the dinner was spaghetti again and some of the clothes never made it from the washer to the dryer.  While bathing our daughter, I notice she still has some jelly in her hair that you missed from this morning’s breakfast.  The couch cushions are still on the floor despite picking them up four or five times.  Your hair has been up in a ponytail for two days and you are wearing the same shirt you put on yesterday, despite the snot stains on the shoulders.  You feel “worthless” you say?? 

Let me just stop you right there.  You are exhausted because you have given all you have to our family despite what life threw at you today.  Your spaghetti is the best dadgum spaghetti I have ever had because of the effort you took to make it.  Who doesn’t like wearing socks that are still a little wet?  Not only do they keep my feet cool, but it reminds me that someone washed them for me in the first place.  The jelly in the hair washes right out, and I am glad the cushion is still on the floor so I have something to lay my head on when I come home and play with the kids.  And lastly, the snot stained shirt with a pony tail just happens to be one of my favorite looks for you.  So sexy!!

What you do for me and our family every day is irreplaceable.  You may feel like nothing went quite right, but you are the one that makes our house a home.  You are the one that holds our crazy lives together.  I may be exhausted from work when I come home, but don’t think for a second that your sacrifice goes unnoticed or is underappreciated.  I know you have worked just as hard, if not harder, than anything I had to do today.  If there was a “woman of the year award”, you would be the hands down winner every day.

You see, honey, it isn’t WHAT we come home to that means the most to us husbands, it’s WHO we come home too.  When I walk in that door and see your smile, it makes my whole world ok.  When I see the kids running up, full of excitement, to give me a hug, I know that YOU put that excitement in their head.  There is only one person that could fill the role as “mom” in our house, and you are it.  You overachieve despite being overwhelmed.  You are outstanding despite being outnumbered.  And you will always complete me despite being completely exhausted.  I try to tell you “thank you” as much as I can, but just know I tell God “thank you” every day for putting you in my life.


Your undeserving husband, who would accomplish nothing without you.

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